
Privacy Policy

Parties and Purpose

Incubator Studio (hereinafter “Incubator Studio” or the “Processing Manager”) is a brand used by Aurélie Bécat et Coralie Rocque. And can be reached at welcome@incubator.studio.

Incubator Studio establishes this Privacy Policy, the purpose of which is to inform in full transparency the Users of the website hosted at the following address: www.incubator.studio, (hereinafter the “Site“), of the way personal data is collected and processed by Incubator Studio.

The term “User” refers to any user, either a physical or moral person, who visits or interacts in any way with the Site.

As such, Incubator Studio determines all the technical, legal and organizational means and purposes of the processing of the personal data of the Users. Incubator Studio commits itself to take all necessary measures to guarantee the processing of personal data in compliance with the European GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation, applicable from 25th May 2018, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereafter, the “Law” or “the “Regulation“).

Processing of personal data

The use of the Site by Users may result in the communication of personal data. The processing of these data by Incubator Studio, in it capacity as Data Controller, or by the service providers acting in the name and on behalf of Incubator Studio, will be in accordance with the Law and the Regulations.

Personal data will be processed by Incubator Studio, in accordance with the purposes mentioned below, via : 

  • The management of customer requests from the forms on the contact page. This contact form is necessary in order to process the user requests and answer him.

Purpose of the processing of personal data

The purposes of the processing of personal data are communicated to the User and are as follows: 

  • improvement of the services offered 
  • ensure the delivery of the service in the best conditions

Personal data that may be processed

The User consents, when visiting and using the Site, that Incubator Studio collects and processes, according to the terms and principles described in this Privacy Policy, the following personal data:

  • Name, company name, phone number, email and message for people who want to reach out via the contact form.
  • First name, last name, email address, postal address, bank details, and more generally any personal data voluntarily provided by the client, in order to ensure the delivery of the service in the best conditions.
  • With regard to each of the user’s visits to the site, the information automatically collected is: IP address, browser type and model, time zone, operating system; as well as all the information concerning the pages that the user has consulted on the site, in particular the URL, the browsing time, the route taken on the site.


By accessing and using the Site, the User declares that he/she is aware of and agrees freely, specifically, knowingly and unambiguously to the processing of personal data concerning him/her. This agreement relates to the content of this Privacy Policy.

Consent is given by the positive act by which the User has ticked the box proposing the Privacy Policy in the hyperlink. This consent is an indispensable condition to carry out certain operations on the Site or to allow the User to enter into a contractual relationship with Incubator Studio. Any contract between Incubator Studio and a User concerning the services and goods offered on the Site is subject to the acceptance of the Privacy Policy by the User.

The User consents that the Data Controller processes and collects, in accordance with the terms and principles included in this Privacy Policy, his personal data that he communicates on the Site or during the services offered by Incubator Studio, for the purposes indicated above.

The User has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. The withdrawal of the consent does not compromise the lawfulness of the treatment based on the previously given consent.

Storage period of Users’ personal data

The Data Controller shall only keep personal data for the time reasonably necessary to allow the fulfilment of the purposes for which they are processed. This period is in any case less than : 5 years.

Recipients of the data and disclosure to third parties

Personal data may be transmitted to employees, collaborators, subcontractors or suppliers of Incubator Studio who offer adequate data security guarantees and who collaborate with Incubator Studio in the marketing of products or the provision of services. They act under the direct authority of Incubator Studio, and are responsible for collecting, processing or subcontracting such data.

In all cases, the recipients of the data and those to whom the data has been disclosed respect the content of this Privacy Policy. Incubator Studio assures that they will process these data only for the intended purposes, in a discreet and secure manner.

In the event that the data would be disclosed to third parties for direct marketing or prospecting purposes, the User will be informed beforehand to express his consent to the use of these personal data.

Users’ rights over his/her data

At any time, the User has the right to obtain access to his/her personal data. The User may exercise his/her rights by sending a message by email to the following address: welcome@incubator.studio. When the User submits this request, a copy of the User’s data will be communicated to him/her no later than one month after receipt of the request.

The User also has the right to obtain the deletion of his/her personal data as soon as possible. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.


The Site uses cookies to distinguish Users of the Site. This helps to provide Users with a better browsing experience and an improved Site and content. The objectives and modalities of cookies are contained in this article. 

General principles 

A “Cookie” is a small file that is temporarily or permanently deposited on the User’s computer when consulting the Site, with a view to later connection. Thanks to cookies, the server recognises the User’s computer. 

Cookies can also be installed by third parties with whom Incubator Studio collaborates. 

Some of the cookies used by Incubator Studio are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, others allow to improve the User’s experience. The User can personalize or deactivate the cookies by configuring his browser. By using the Site, the User expressly agrees with the management of cookies as described in this article. 


Type of cookies and purposes 

Different types of cookies are used by Incubator Studio on the Site:

  • Technical cookies: they are necessary for the operation of the Site, allow the communication of the introduced data and are intended to facilitate the navigation of the User;
  • Cookies for statistical and audience measurements: these cookies allow the recognition of the User and are used to count the number of Users of the Site over a certain period of time. Since they also indicate browsing behaviour, they are an effective means of improving the User’s browsing by displaying proposals and offers that may be of interest to the User. They also allow Incubator Studio to spot possible bugs on the Site and to correct them.
  • Functional cookies: these cookies facilitate the use of the Site by retaining certain choices introduced (for example, the user name or the language);
  • Tracking cookies: Incubator Studio uses tracking cookies via Google Analytics, to measure the interaction of the Users with the content of the Site and to produce anonymous statistics. These statistics allow Incubator Studio to improve the Site. Google supports the explanation of these cookies at the following address: https://www.google.nl/intl/en_uk/policies/privacy/

Cookie retention period 

Cookies are kept for the time necessary to accomplish the purpose for which they were created. The cookies that may be stored on the User’s hard drive and their retention period are as follows: 14 months 

Cookie management 

If the User does not want the Site to place cookies on his/her computer, it is easy for him/her to manage or delete them by modifying the parameters of his/her browser. Browser programming also allows the User to receive a notice or notification as soon as a Site uses cookies and thus decide whether to accept or reject them. 

If the User deactivates certain cookies, the User accepts that the Site may not function optimally. Certain parts of the Site may therefore not be usable, or may only be partially usable. 

If the User wishes to manage and/or delete certain cookies in this way, he or she can do so by using the following link(s):

For Users with a :

If the User does not want Google Analytics cookies to be used, he/she is invited to set his browser to this effect on the following Site: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Limitation of liability of the Data Controller

The Site may contain links to other websites owned by third parties not related to Incubator Studio. The content of these sites and their compliance with the GDPR is not the responsibility of Incubator Studio.

The holder of parental authority must give his express consent for the minor under 16 years old to disclose personal information or data on the website. Incubator Studio strongly advises persons exercising parental authority over minors to promote responsible and secure use of the Internet. The Data Controller cannot be held responsible for collecting and processing information and personal data of minors under 16 years of age whose consent is not effectively covered by that of their legal parents or for incorrect data – in particular concerning age – entered by minors. Under no circumstances will personal data be processed by the Data Controller if the User specifies that he/she is under 16 years of age. 

Incubator Studio is not responsible for the loss, corruption or theft of personal data caused in particular by the presence of viruses or as a result of computer attacks.


The  Data Controller implements organizational and technical measures to guarantee an appropriate level of security for the processing and collection of data. 

The Site has an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate and we use the Secupress plugin from WordPress to secure the User connexion and crypt any information between the User computer and the Site..

The Site regularly update passwords and is protected with antiviruses. Regular backups on external drives only accessible to Incubator Studio are made to prevent loss of data. 

If a data breach is revealed, Incubator Studio will inform the User as soon as possible in case of high risk, as well as the competent supervisory authority (the “Autoriteit Persoongegevens” in The Netherlands) within the required time.

Modification of the Privacy Policy

Incubator Studio reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to comply with legal obligations in this regard. The user is therefore invited to regularly consult the Privacy Policy in order to be aware of the modifications and adaptations. Any such modification will be posted on the Site for purposes of enforceability.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is governed exclusively by Dutch law. Any dispute will be brought before the courts of the judicial district of Incubator Studio’s head office.


For any questions or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy, the User may contact the Data Controller via the following address: welcome@incubator.studio

Updated January 14, 2020


le jeudi 5 décembre 2024 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.