
Plan your 2021 end-of-year review

How you change is how you succeed. Seize your chance to evaluate & improve!

Dear reader,

What a year it has been!

We could not feel more grateful.
We could not be more humbled.
We could not feel more fulfilled.
We could not feel a greater call for a well-deserved rest after having served 43 clients (solopreneurs, startups & SMEs), delivered 82 (short & long, small & large) projects & grown our small business tremendously within a period of 365 days only.

[note to ourselves: we are not machines.]
[oh yes & in the middle of all that, our newest co-worker was born on July 7th, Aurelie’s 1st son & 4th child.]

Before you/we switch off [y]our laptop, your Notion or Trello boards, [y]our social media pages, [y]our WordPress interface, [y]our Hubspot sales board, [y]our Whatsapp app, [y]our Zoom meetings generator & any other tool that makes [y]our daily business life, we’re popping up today to encourage you to close 2021 in style (= strategically). How good or great you may be, there is always room for improvement.

1| Our canvas to review 2021 & adjust for 2022

Last year, we shared with you a review of Incubator Studio’s year 2020.

This year, we also want to help you assess your 2021 business year & start strategizing on your 2022 business year. You’ll find our suggestion below. If this canvas works for us, it could also work for you or for your small managing team…


What made us feel happy & joyful?
What generated frustration?
How did our internal team work go?
What are we grateful for?
Can we choose freely to continue running this business for an extra year?

Processization & outsourcing

What should we have outsourced in our personal & professional lives in order to feel more fulfilled?
What made us lose time in our projects?
What do we still need to improve in our existing processes?
How much did we spend to keep our business up & running?
What should we develop & implement in order to ensure our small business could still run in our absence?


How many clients did we serve?
How many projects did we complete?
How many hours did we dedicate to each project?
Where do our clients come from (word of mouth, networks, referrals, partnerships, ads, SEO, articles…)?
How much did we invest to get them?
Was the pricing of each project/product sold beneficial to our company?
What is our brutto margin?

Products & services

What other service or product could we have sold to every client we served, in order to increase their/our results?
What are the next 3 more relevant products/services we should launch?


Which monthly revenue do we want to have individually as a result of our work in & on our business?
What does it imply in terms of prospection, sales, project production & workload for each of us?
What are the 3 elements we should implement to generate new (streams of) revenue & secure or increase our margins?

Magic 5

What are the 5 key topics on which we need coaching/advice on the short term?
What are the 5 existing problems we need to solve?
What are the 5 things we should stop doing?
What are the 5 things we should start doing?
What are the 5 boldest ideas we could try to implement to transform our business?
What are the 5 elements we should implement to generate new (streams of) revenue & secure or increase our margins?

As you can see, the emotional review matters to us as much as the financial one. We are definitely not in business to feel unhappy about who we are, how we interact & what we do. We will never be.

2| Optimization

Continuous improvement is definitely a key:
> to keep everything SHUT during the upcoming holiday season
> to be looking forward to a fresh new start in the early (or late) days of January
> to contribute more efficiently & consciously to the economic world in 2022

In order to constantly improve, we ask each of our clients to evaluate our collaboration at the end of every project. We share the results in all transparency on the portfolio page of our website. In parallel, we process every suggestion we get & see how to implement it in the way we collaborate. We of course encourage all of our clients to do the same.


  • 94,7% of our clients rate the project they’ve completed with Incubator Studio as extremely efficient.
  • 100% of our clients declare having gained competences during the project with Incubator Studio.
  • 94,7% of our clients say we’re highly professional.
  • 100% of our clients say they are highly satisfied with the end result & outcome of their project with Incubator Studio.
  • 89,5% of our clients say they are extremely likely to work with Incubator Studio again in the future.
  • 94,8% of our clients say they are likely to recommend Incubator Studio to other entrepreneurs, startups & SMEs

We are really thankful for the great tips we get from our clients, which are very complementary to the ones we get from our business coach & our business mentor. By the end of the month, we should have gathered all the reviews of the ongoing projects & updated them on the portfolio page.

Until then, we wish you a delightful review & a fabulous end-of-the-year. We can’t wait to connect again with you in 2022!

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le jeudi 5 décembre 2024 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.