
Work smarter, enjoy more family time!

Families surely look different than they did thousands of years ago, but they are as equally important as they were then. They are our everything, aren’t they?

Those of us who are parents endeavour to give our best for our children. As children, we want to be present for our aging parents as they have been for us for so many years. As siblings, we want to keep close contact with our brothers & sisters. But sometimes, it can be difficult to manage professional & private life (really?). Indeed, we want to make sure our financial situation is good enough to provide them all with everything they need: time, love, support of any kind. The time spent working is purely time wasted with your family!

At Incubator Studio, we know the challenges & work everyday to facilitate our clients’ lives. Read below how, it’s full of tips.

Family & business lives: an obstacles’ sprint?

Being a parent is amazing but, let’s not kid ourselves, it is a real challenge. Every day, a meticulous process is needed to manage a full household, face unexpected events, cater everyone’s needs. Moreover, the time dedicated to raising children prevents parents from working or producing value. It is time-consuming, let’s be honest.

You therefore need to have an extremely organized daily routine if you want to manage your family & your professional life. Indeed, you need to be very efficient during the always-too-limited time you get to spend working. Let’s mention the complexity COVID added in our lives for the last 15 months: the obligation to re-adapt every daily process we used to have for a long time.

During this obstacles’ sprint, it is easy to lose sight of why we are doing the things we do. But never underestimate & forget about your why, it will help you live a more aligned private & professional life.

As Aurélie wrote earlier, raising children is a fabulous business booster. It forces you to always do better & try to leave them a meaningful legacy. It compels you to be productive, save & gain time & find solutions to finally spend enough time with your family.

What if you structured your business in order to become a high achiever?

The first step to save/gain time is to processize your business (& we’re fine if this verb does not exist, we just need it to express ourselves with precision). The key of efficiency is a structured business. Nowadays, there are hundreds of tools conceived to make our professional lives easier. Organising your business & your day-to-day tasks can be a breeze thanks to tools such as Notion, Hubspot or Trello. To manage a client’s project or your routine, they are really helpful.

You bet on a content strategy to grow your business? Perfect! Editorial calendars, evergreen content or post scheduler tools are, without a doubt, what you need to comply with your content strategy & optimize it.

You noticed recurrent & time consuming tasks in your business? Try to batch-produce your work, i.e. divide your workflow weekly, monthly or quarterly of one topic instead of jumping around from task to task. Track your time with precision with Toggl, ensure you optimize the time you spend working ON & IN your business & on each of the client’s projects.

You must have now understood that structure is the key. So, start making a list of daily time-consuming tasks, find the perfect tools that will enable you to save precious time & spend these 2 or 3 hours saved daily to achieve even more in your business or increase the time spent with your beloved family.

Doing so, you will realize that some tasks can’t be optimized with a tool. That’s when you need to find the right experts…

Outsource recurring tasks & rely on niche professionals as efficient shortcuts

You need to think about recurring, necessary tasks that you consider to have no added value in your professional life, tasks that are part of your business routine. Why? Because this is the type of tasks you can outsource to become a higher achiever (there is always room for improvement, isn’t there?)!

But, if you want it to pay back, you have to do it smartly. When we say “outsource some tasks”, we strongly advise you to rely on real experts (neither interns, nor students, nor beginners, whom you onboard & mentor to help THEM grow, not to ease your life…): niche professionals who are committed to delivering results.

At Incubator Studio, for example, we sell results. Our coaching-based approach to business consulting & structured methodology on each of the modules of our core expertise, ensure we take business to where they deserve to be. There is no point in outsourcing a task if the professional you hire doesn’t have methodology. You will lose time & money. Only methodology & organization from a professional will save you time & deliver results. Here are real shortcuts.

We love offering shortcuts to our clients. For this reason, in 2020, we started designing turnkey (= structured, efficient & affordable) solutions (= productized services) to enable business [re]positioning & brand essence [re]definition, complete visual brand identity [re]creation, website building & growth (sales & content) strategies. Many turnkey solutions. They can all be integrated as plugins, to any project we sell. We notice that clients start with one & end up buying them all. We develop healthy addictions to efficiency.

Our turnkey website for consultants, coaches & speakers is typically a shortcut. It’s a powerful intermediate formula between doing everything on your own & getting lost on the way & having it done from scratch by a non-strategic design agency & ending up investing way more time & money than one should.
We make a website project seamless: all a client has to do is write his/her content according to the website plan guidelines & choose images to illustrate it. We take care of the design, the technical part, the installation, the integration of the content & the go-live of the website – up to the smallest details. Our clients end up with a website that they own completely, that mirrors their business, that they know how to use independently & that they will be able to change over time.

We therefore came up with the expression: “LOVE AT FIRST {SITE} BY INCUBATOR STUDIO”
The reason we mention this specific example here today is because this website for consultancies & coaching businesses is offered at a discounted rate until the end of May.
The advantages?

  • Reasonable budget
  • No technical knowledge required
  • Time saving
  • Quick & easy
  • Fully personalized
  • Easy to useStrengthening of credibility


Wait no more & explore!

The final word of the day is: manage your priorities, cherish your families, do not overwork: structure, use tools, outsource!! You’ll be surprised by the impact on your stress, on your business growth & on your overall satisfaction. Ready to become a high achiever? Let’s talk!


Explore more


le jeudi 5 décembre 2024 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.